Road Traffic Solutions Coronavirus Update Statement 17th March, 2020

17 March 2020

Dear Customers,

Given the recent developments surrounding the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation across the UK, Road Traffic Solutions wanted to reassure you that it is our intention to continue to support our Traffic Management customers, and minimise any disruption to your business.

In the early stages of the news breaking in the UK we adapted our business continuity plan to incorporate phased changes, as might be required at Road Traffic Solutions, ensuring no drop in capability or service. These measures include; work from home opportunities, usage of cloud-based technologies, and communication plans of which phone and email form just one element.

Our main priority is working to protect our customers, partners and employees at all times. Given the experience we have across the Team and the ways in which we can engage, internally and externally, we are confident we can continue to support your business through call and video conferencing, instead of face-to-face, for the duration. Our field-based operatives typically work alone, therefore minimising the potential of contracting and passing on the virus, but we are monitoring their health closely at this time.

Please contact your known Road Traffic Solutions representative, or myself directly, should you have any questions or concerns. We understand that there will be a continued need for our services throughout what will undoubtably be a difficult period for the industry. Road Traffic Solutions are here to support you.

We can continue to be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 01724 848246, or during normal working hours via and the website

Warmest regards,



Tom Pearson

Sales & Marketing Director at RTS Ltd

Categories: Coronavirus