Paying Tribute to Our NHS
20 July 2020
A little over month ago now we launched our #nametheIPV competition, and we had some fantastic response. ‘Protecty McCrashface’ was never going to win it, but we do appreciate the suggestion.
What was great to see from the submissions was an overwhelming desire to honour keyworkers for their contribution and commitment during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. A sentiment Road Traffic Solutions Ltd wholeheartedly support.
With this in mind, the winner of the competition was Alan Whitehead, who received a bottle of champagne for the suggestion. Then last week, Alan came down to our Grays depot to meet the Impact Protection Vehicle he helped name.
Gathering together RTS Contracts Manager, Harry McNeil (above left), and Alan Whitehead of Beacon Traffic Management, the new moniker for our vehicle was revealed. In support of the #thankyouNHS campaign, the long-celebrated Thursday night clapping, and recognition of the outstanding job our healthcare professionals continue to provide, our IPV has been named ‘FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE’.
She is already out and about doing work for our clients. If you see ‘FLORENCE’ on the road, take a snap and send it to us: sales@roadtrafficsolutions.com. We aim to feature the best of these each month going forward.
To hire ‘FLORENCE’ for your next set of high-speed works, contact us or call us on 01724 848246, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Categories: Community, Fleet, Industry News, Social Value